Saturday, September 15, 2007

SF Bay Area Darfur Coalition event

This is Danielle (I am technologically challenged...)

So I am on the SF Bay Area Darfur Coalition's mailing list, and they're holding a "Dream for Darfur Planning Meeting" where they hope to formulate a couple of good ideas in regards to an SF Darfur event. They're interested in some event that would contribute to encouraging China to end their oil-oriented relationship with the Sudanese government.
The meeting is Sunday, September 23, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm, at the JCF Building (121 Steaurt Street btwn Mission and Howard).
I was thinking it may be cool to get together with a couple of you to check it out and see what we come up with, as well as to establish a relationship with the Coalition people.

Here is the direct link to the Darfur coalition's site:

One of the many helpful resources offered on this site is a calendar where you can check out all the upcoming Darfur-related events in the Bay Area.


Ting said...

Thanks Danielle!
I'm unfortunately busy that Sunday, but I'd be really interested in forming/joining a Coalition group with you and others.


katie green said...

I'm a little late here, since the meeting already happened, but I'm still interested in being a part of a group that works with the Coalition. What steps would we need to take?