This is Aaron Hui (H Block) I decided to post a youtube video (previous post) that focuses a little more on one of the places that our guest speaker stated was an obstacle in the fight against Genocide: China. The video talks about how the 2008 Olympic Games are related to China and the Darfur/Sudan Genocide. After watching the clip (which is about 2.30 minutes), do you agree with those such as Frank Wolf and Mia Farrow that by supporting the Olympics, one is supporting the Genocide in Darfur? Or should the Olympic games be unrelated to the Genocide? Here's an article from the SF Chronicle, which gives another side of the China/Darfur relationship, and how China has in fact tried to stop the Genocide: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/09/11/international/i161342D50.DTL&hw=darfur+sudan+china+olympics&sn=002&sc=864.
Another link from the WashingtonPost that talks about China's possible consequences with its relationship with Sudan: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/13/AR2006121302008.html.
What do you think about the relationship? Would you agree or disagree that China and the Olympics are or are not helping with the Genocide?