Hey everybody!
Sorry, I don't really know how to post links so I'll just give you guys the address...
this is a mp3 file of Dan Robinson reporting on the a measure to acknowledge the Armenian genocide that is going to be put before the House for a vote.
and this is the link for the article
Turkey has temorarily revoked its ambassador to the US, and is very upset with this measure, so some US poiticians would like to back off this issue due to the Iraq war.
Do you think this measure will pass? Do you think that this vote will put our troops in danger? Do you think that Turkey will stop allying itself with the US? Do you believe that this vote is long overdue?
sorry for commenting on my own post, but here is a report from Turkey
I recommend that people use Gaby's very interesting links (good job finding these, by the way) to deepen the discussion already going on about this on the post "white house condemns labeling Armenian genocide" that way we can prevent repition but still use these new sources. But if people think otherwise, then comment away!
I know I asked this question in class, but
Besides recognizing the genocide, what will passing a resolution like this actually do ?
Do you think that our present political and economic state is more important than recognizing the Armenian massacre as genocide?
Here's an updated article, written a couple hours ago:
I agree with Pelosi's statement in Gaby's second article that "as long as there is genocide there is need to speak out against it," and I believe that this resolution does need to be passed. I also think that Turkey should not take offense from this measure because it is not about the current government. However, I think that the revoking of the Turkish ambassador shows that Turkey does take offense. I do not support the war, but sudden, unplanned withdrawal due to a lack of Turkish cooperation is not the way to go about ending it. As soon as the US government is not this heavily dependant on Turkey, the resolution should be passed.
I like what Katie said about our current dependancy on turkey. If what we hear is true about the strategic advantage of Turkey for the war then I think this bill (now law) is a huge mistake. If we have gone over 90 years without legally aknowleging the Armenian genocide, why now, when the consequences may jepordize the lifes of American soldiers and the success of our war effort? It makes no sense, democrat or republican. Sure we should be excited over this step in the right direction, but not under current circumstances.
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