I wanted to post the front page article form the "Insight" section of this past Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle. Since it was pretty hard to find amongst the post-Thanksgiving advertisements and coupons; some of you newspaper readers might have missed it. It provides basic information about the atrocities being committed, as well as the obstacles to peace efforts. Darfur has been of news lately in our blog as well as in the public domain and this is a good basis for a more educated understanding of a complex world problem.
ARTICLE URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/25/INGOTB4L1.DTL&hw=Darfur
There are also some great and striking pictures that appeared in the article, which as we have touched on a little might do such horrific events more justice than trying to express the "inexpressible" in words. You should check them out too.
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